March 9, 2019 SMAC Internationals Niagara Falls NY March 16, 2019 Daypuck Power Nationals London, ON Contact Sensei Kelly Hovorka
Competition Team Information What is Competition? Competition in Martial Arts Canada is a chance to showcase our martial arts with other karate schools and experience the variety in our sport. Students generally compete in kata (forms), weapons and sparring. There are traditional and creative/musical kata and weapons divisions and point and continuous sparring divisions. MAC Comp Team provides the opportunity…

Kenzie Kilmer has a World Title for -50kg Continuous Sparring at the WKC World Championships 2017.

Logan is the World Champion in Traditional Japanese Weapons for boys ages 13-17. He competed in the WMO circuit held in Portugal 2018

Sensei Mike Hill 2015 after medals Irish fighter invited me up to celebrate gold.